#BlogchatterA2Z Theme Reveal: Unpacking Andaman

Observations and Reflections from a Mindful Traveller

PC: Designed by the Author using Canva. The beach in the background is the Chidiya Tapu beach in Port Blair.

If you had known me for some time, you would understand that I’m not someone who usually has a list of places to travel or adventurous activities to try. I’m quite content with finding solace in the comfort of my own home. However, every now and then, the universe aligns, and magic happens (or at least that’s what I believe). My recent journey to the Andamans and the experiences that unfolded feel like a true miracle. Even now, it feels surreal, and I’m eager to capture that feeling in words.

For the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge, which involves writing 26 posts throughout April (excluding Sundays), with each post corresponding to a letter of the English alphabet, I’ve decided to focus on my reflections and observations from my recent trip to Andaman.

This won’t be your typical travelogue detailing the places visited, days spent, money spent, or cuisine tasted. Instead, I’ll be sharing my experiences and insights on the often-overlooked aspects of travel. My goal is to convey the essence of the island and its people through the words that will be flowing onto the page in the coming days. I want to immerse you in the experience and transport you to Andaman through my writing.

I will be listing the topics here as I write and linking them to the posts for your easy navigation.



Stay tuned!

This post is a part of the #BlogchatterA2Z 2023 challenge.

Sustainable Learnings

with Seethalakshmi

Know the author

Seethalakshmi (aka) Preethi

Blogger| Mother| Writer | Poet | Book Reviewer

I am an Indian homemaker, mother, and writer armed with a pen, a flair for
poetry, and a passion for peace. My works have been published on platforms such as
Inkspire, Women’s Web, Gentleness Ambassadors and the Great Indian Anthology.


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